Course Terms and Conditions

This is an Agreement with Honorée Enterprises, LLC. By signing where indicated, you irrevocably agree to participate in Honorée Enterprises, LLC. (the “Company” or “we/us”) Course (the “Course”), and this Course Participant Agreement (the “Agreement” or “Contract” or “Terms and Conditions”) automatically becomes a binding contract between you and the Company, and applies to your participation in the Course. By completing your registration, you are acknowledging that you have read, agree to, and accept all the terms and conditions contained in these Terms and Conditions. The Company may amend this Agreement at any time by sending you a revised version at the address you provided.

AUTHORIZATION OF PAYMENT. By this Agreement, you authorize the Company to charge your credit or debit card as payment for your participation in the Course. This is not an installment contract. Upon the Company’s acceptance of your offer and participation, you agree to payment in full for your access to, and opportunity to participate in, the Course. The entire amount is due and payable immediately. The Company provides the option to enter into a payment plan with you and allow you to submit periodic payments. You are, however, responsible for payment of the entire amount agreed upon. To further clarify, no refunds will be issued and if you have chosen a payment plan all scheduled payments must be paid on a timely basis whether you complete the Course or not. However, should you participate in the Course and find it unsatisfactory, you may request a refund in writing. We, however, are under no obligation to provide a refund, by may do so, in our discretion, under certain circumstances.

TERMINATION FOR UNPROFESSIONALISM. We are committed to providing all Course participants with a positive Course experience. By completing this Agreement, you agree that the Company may, at its sole discretion, terminate this agreement, and limit, suspend, or terminate your participation in the Course without refund or forgiveness of remaining monthly payments if you become disruptive or difficult to work with, if you fail to follow the Course guidelines, or if you impair the participation of Course instructors or participants in the Course.

CONFIDENTIALITY. We respect your privacy and must insist that you respect the privacy of fellow Course participants. By completing this Agreement, you agree not to violate the publicity or privacy rights of any Course participant. We respect your confidential and proprietary information; your intellectual property rights, including, but not limited to, copyright, patent and trademark rights; and your ideas, plans and trade secrets (collectively, “Confidential Information”) and must insist that you respect the same rights of fellow Course participants and of the Company. By completing this Agreement, you agree (1) not to use any Course participant’s or the Company’s Confidential Information absent written consent from the owner, (2) that any Confidential Information shared by Course participants or any representative of the Company is confidential and proprietary, and belongs solely and exclusively to the owner of such Confidential Information, (3) you agree not to disclose Confidential Information to any other person or use it in any manner other than in discussion with other Course participants during Course sessions. By completing this Agreement, you further agree that (4) all materials and information provided to you by the Company are its confidential and proprietary intellectual property, belong solely and exclusively to the Company, and may only be used by you as authorized by the Company, and (5) the reproduction, distribution, and sale of these materials by anyone but the Company is strictly prohibited. Further, by completing this Agreement, you agree that, if you violate, or display any likelihood of violating, any of your agreements contained in this paragraph, the Company and/or the other Course participant(s) will be entitled to injunctive relief to prohibit any such violations to protect against the harm of such violations.

INDEMNIFICATION. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold the Company and its owners, affiliates, and subsidiaries, harmless from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, or causes of action (including attorneys’ incurred in defending the Company from same) caused or relating to your breach of this Agreement; your negligence, gross negligence or intentional misconduct; or any violation of the law, ordinance or regulation committed by you.

FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. We have made every effort to accurately represent the Course and its potential. The testimonials and examples used are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on many factors, including his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. By completing this Agreement, you acknowledge that as with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money as a result of your participation in the Course. By completing this Agreement, you also acknowledge that you have represented to the Company that payment of your Course membership fees will not place a significant financial burden on you, your business, or your family.

DISCLAIMER. The Course coach is not qualified to provide legal, tax, accounting, or financial advice, and the information provided to you is not intended as such. You should refer all legal, tax, accounting, and financially related inquiries to appropriately qualified professionals.

CHOICE OF LAW. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Tennessee.

FORUM SELECTION CLAUSE. Any action brought under this Contract must be brought in Williamson, Tennessee. Furthermore, by entering into this Contract each party agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the State of Tennessee for purposes of any action which arises out of or under this Contract.

SEVERABILITY. If any provision, clause, terms, or words of this Agreement are declared void or unenforceable, such provision, clause, terms, or words shall be deemed severed from this Agreement, and all remaining provisions, clause, terms, or words shall otherwise remain in full force and effect.

ATTORNEY’S FEES. In the event of any breach of this Agreement and action for enforcement hereof, the prevailing party shall be entitled to have and recover from the other party all costs, expenses and attorney’s fees reasonably incurred thereby, together with interest at the highest rate permitted by law on any and all amounts deemed to be due and owing (including costs, expenses, and attorney’s fees), which interest shall accrue from the date of any such claim or amount which has arisen until fully paid.

ASSIGNABILITY. Neither party shall assign this Agreement without the written consent of the other.

ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement may not be amended absent written agreement by both parties.

AUTHORITY. You represent and warrant by completing this Agreement that you have the authority to enter into the same personally and on behalf of your company.