Program Curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    1. Day 1--Session 1: Attitude

    2. Day 2--Session 2: Goal Achievement

    3. Day 3--Session 3: Turn On Your AM Routine

    4. Day 4--Session 4: The Power of Environment

    5. Day 5--Session 5: Organization

    6. Day 8--Session 6: Time Maximization

    7. Day 9--Session 7: Your Ideal Client Profile

    8. Day 10--Session 8: Your 30-Second Soundbite

    9. Day 11-Session 9: Affirmations

    10. Day 12--Session 10: Stress!

    11. Day 15--Session 11: Your LinkedIn Profile

    12. Day 16--Session 12: Customer Service

    13. Day 17--Session 13: Playing to Win Instead of Playing Not to Lose

    14. Day 18--Session 14: Your 12x12

    15. Day 21--Session 15: Your Ideal Strategic Partner Profile

    16. Day 28--Session 16: Developing Your Strategic Partners

    17. Day 35--Session 17: Personal and Professional Development

    18. Day 42--Session 18: Reject Rejection & Go for No!

    19. Day 49--Session 19: Your Opportunity Tracker

    20. Day 56--Session 20: Pre-Networking (Preparation)

    21. Day 63--Session 21: Networking: Work the Room

    22. Day 70--Session 22: Post-Event Networking

    23. Day 77--Session 23: Follow-up for Success

    24. Day 85--Session 24: Making Effective Introductions

    25. Day 92--Session 25: Keeping the Momentum!

    26. Day 100--Session 26: Congratulations!!

    1. STMA - 100-Day Action Program AUDIO Self-Study Course Manual

    2. 12x12 System Manual

    3. STMA Dashboard MASTER

    4. 12x12-Matrix

    1. Congratulations! Here's what could be next...

About the STMA Audio Program

  • $199.00
  • 32 lessons
  • Goal Achievement Like Never Before!

Discover your potential, starting today