Summit Overview

    1. Opening Session with Honorée Corder

    1. Grow Your Empire Utilizing Virtual Summits with Summit-Master Ray Brehm

    2. Focus on Principles Over Tactics with Best-Selling Author & Ghostwriter Jeff Goins

    3. Start Smart and Have Fun! with Author, Podcast Host & Sales Genius Jen Gitomer

    4. Find Your Uniqueness to Build Your Brand with Brand Builders Group Co-founder Rory Vaden

    5. Masterminds, Mindset & Service with Brandon Straza

    6. Your Empire Needs Your Genius with Feng Shui Master Dana Claudat

    7. Creative Collaborations with Emmy-Winning Documentary Filmmaker Nick Nanton

    1. Long-Term Strategies for Publishing WIDE with Author Mark Leslie LeFebvre

    2. Get Published to Grow Your Empire! with Publishing Expert Paul Brodie

    3. Incredible Success from Humble Beginnings with Gigi's Cupcake's Founder Gigi Butler

    4. Turn Your Hobby and Passion Into Mega-Profits with Fertility Expert Lisa Hendrickson-Jack

    5. Get Your Financial Sh!t Together with Money Honey Author, Rachel Richards

    6. Mindset for Empire Building Success with Brave Healer Productions Founder Laura Di Franco

    7. Small Businesses Build Big Empires with Business Mentor Helen Bullen

    1. Personal Branding for Entrepreneurs and Executives with Brand Builders Group co-found AJ Vaden

    2. Growing Your Empire Through Leverage with Author & Real Estate Guru Ryan Snow

    3. The Only Business Shortcut You Need to Know with Author & Turbo Law co-Founder Dani Whitestone

    4. Strategic Thinking for Empire Builders with Lisa Kipps-Brown

    5. Find the Right Mentor for Faster Achievement! with Speaker & Author Dale Smith Thomas

    1. Leave the Corporate World Behind & Build Your Empire! with Author & Entrepreneur Chris Bystriansky

    2. Set Your Own Pace for Success with Ghostwriter Alice Sullivan

    3. All Things are Difficult Before They are Easy! with Former Math Professor Allison Dillard

    4. Taking Action--Decide, Plan, Act! with Voice-Over Master Rob Actis

    5. Quality Book Formula with Author and Publishing Expert Brigitte Cutshall

    1. Want Ultimate Success? Have Laughable Goals! with Real-Life Wizard of Oz, Steve Sims

    2. Leverage LinkedIn and Get Great Results! with LinkedIn Expert Brynne Tillman

    3. Your Empire Starts with a Book! with Author & Editor Karen Hunsanger

    4. Publishing Bestselling Books with Ghostwriter & Book Strategist Karen Anderson

    5. Overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Author Kris Kelso

    6. Turning Dreams Into Reality with Dream Expert Karen Love

About the Empire Builders Summit

  • 29 Expert Interviews!
  • 15+ Hours of Quality Content
  • Knowledge you can use, starting today!

Learn from the Experts!

Building an empire can be easy, lucrative, and fun with insight, information, and mentorship!